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Article 1

Goals and Purpose            The Spencer-Penn Centre Photography shall be a medium for cooperative action in promoting the arts and sciences of
                                         photography to those citizens who consider themselves a beginner or amateur in digital or film photography.


Article 11

Membership                    The said club shall be a membership club, enrolling individuals based on payment of dues..  Those enrolled
                                        as members during the first year, ending in January 2011, shall become Charter Members. Staff of the Spencer-Penn
                                        Centre shall be known as Ex-officio members and not subject to fee payments,


Article 111

Dues                            The said club shall operate on dues, which at a minimum, enough to pay the room rental,. Changes to the dues  can be made on
                                                   an annual basis  provided  a proposal and discussion is made at the club's November meeting  and decided  by a majority vote
                                                   of member's present  at the December meeting.



Article 1V

Meetings                     The club meetings shall be held at the Spencer-Penn  on the first Thursday of each month beginning at 6:30 PM.  Meetings
                                   shall start on time and following a standard agenda.


Article V

Officers                      The club shall be managed by two officers, called co-chairpersons.  One co-chairperson shall manage the administrative affairs
                                   of the club, which include being the liaison with the Spencer-Penn Centre, maintaining the attendance records, taking minutes of the
                                   meetings, notifying members of club meetings and minutes, coordinate press-releases, and conduct the annual evaluation from
                                   The second co-chairperson will serve as the club's chief photographer and will be responsible for the monthly program and the
                                   club's monthly photo competition.



Article V1

Appointment             All officers will serve at a maximum of two years.  Originally, the officers shall be appointed by the Director of the Spencer-Penn
   of Officers             Centre after reviewing the recommendations of staff and volunteer's).  Thereafter the officers shall be made from election of membership.


Article V11

Other                         The two chairpersons shall appoint committee chairs to more effectively manage the club's business.  These appointments run
Appointments             concurrently with their respective co-chairperson's appointment.


Amendments             Amendments of bylaws can be made by a vote of the majority of members in attendance with a 30 day notice of the action
of bylaws



Approval                   The bylaws were adopted at the club's organizational meeting on January 7th, 2010 and recorder by Jack F Wood, acting
                                  chairperson of Administration. 


AMENDMENTS           Article 111 amended in December 2017, regarding membership dues as recorded in the Club's  December 7th minutes.

Reviewed and no changes at January 2012 club meeting.     Jack F wood